Organization First, Me Second

Don't kid yourself, your current shared files structure encourages and allows the individual to create a shared file structure that matches the kinds of things they are working on based on their current perspective.  Oh, that's great.  What happens if they leave or move somewhere else in the company?  Who's going to reorient their files and documents so they match how the business area needs it to make use of the value they created while in that role?

Why don't you create a structure that is of a different nature rather than the individual's personal view; something that will have longevity and stand the test of time?  Maybe something that is purpose based rather than personality based.  Then when an individual joins they can create their own view into the common structure that matches the way they think but it is temporal and doesn't affect the common structure and they can change it when their needs change, or if they leave, it can just be deleted because it was only temporary.

For example, If I have responsibilities for a particular program, I will then organize my content under that program including all of its projects.  I will probably use provided templates and then will create folders for the Program and related Project Budgets, a Folder for Contracts and as well one for Plans.



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