The Information Age Problems Resolved

  • The inability to find files costs about $20K per person per year

  • Maybe someone “helpfully” reorganized your files and now you can’t find anything?

  • Are team members sending the wrong file or an outdated version to a client?

  • Is there uncertainty about where all of the documents are for each client?

  • Prefer to be organized and on top of it, because you know your information structure?

  • Want to know confidently exactly where your information is now, and months or years from now?

  • The onslaught of new information makes it hard to know where to put things so they can be found

  • It’s not your fault, because no one has ever showed you how to really organize your information

The disorganization of your files costs more than you know. How about 10 hours of each person’s time per week?
The disorganization of files costs more than you expect. How about $20K per person per year?
With disorganized files, it is only a matter of time before the wrong version or wrong file gets sent to a valued client.

Challenges We Solve

• Sending the wrong document to a client

  • Have you ever sent a document with a clients name to the wrong client?

  • Have you ever met with a client using an outdated document and have the client point it out?

• Not able to find documents when you need them

  • Ever looked for a document to send and what should have been a 5 minute exercise turned into 4 hours?

  • Ever hunted through folders unsuccessfully, finally having to re-create or modify an existing document?

• Not able to share and collaborate on the right documents

  • Ever tried to collaborate as a team and document versions spiral out of control through email?

  • Have your teams ever found that no one actually knows where the most current version of a document is?

• Information and knowledge lost when people leave or retire or are away unexpectedly

  • Have you ever had someone leave or be away on an emergency and you can’t find their documents?

  • Do you have document clusters with “FINAL”, or “FINAL FINAL” or “FINAL FINAL (2)”; and which is the right one?

• Lag behind because of information disorganization

  • This is the digital age and the irony is that many are not there because their own digital world is a mess

  • Messy and disorganized structures waste everyone’s time and limit agility, collaboration and confidence

Success We can Help You Achieve

“I have over 10,000 documents myself and I can always find anything instantly and know exactly where to put everything and it works on my laptop and mobile the same way.” K.L. Independent Consultant


  • “I can find documents even if I wasn’t the one that created them and saved them into the structure.”   G.C. CEO

  • “It is so easy to control access now.  When people join we can give them the access they need to the appropriate areas in seconds.  And when they leave or move to another part of the organization, I give them a few weeks to get their house in order and then within seconds remove them, and I can always go back and see the history of changes.”  S.W.  Executive Admin